
Is antiquarian good darkest dungeon
Is antiquarian good darkest dungeon

One of my biggest gripes about this game is sometimes no matter how prepared you are, no matter how confident you are, it is a 50% chance that you will be demolished in a dungeon.

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    is antiquarian good darkest dungeon

    Defeating her is a difficult task she is very elusive and her allies won't let you get to her without a fight.Īntiquarian has a number of signature trinkets. However that does not mean she is harmless her incense is capable of producing Blight inflicting vapors to engulf and poison the heroes, and if cornered she will use her dagger in an attempt to fight back. Being more of a tactician than a warrior, she will make sure that her allies keep her safe, guarding her from incoming attacks. The antiquarian prefers to stay in the backline, from where she empowers her allies with Dodge and Strength tokens, or weakens her enemies, Disorienting and Blinding them. The Antiquarian is motivated by greed, and usually attacks when her prey is laden with vast wealth. Even when defeated in battle, she manages to escape each time, the heroes never seeming to be able to strike her down for good. She empowers her allies and disorients her foes with an assortment of exotic vapors, and should she be forced to defend herself, she is equipped with a dagger, though the idea of having to use it makes her nervous. Though not a fighter, she more than makes up for it by her cunning tactics and deceiving incenses.

    is antiquarian good darkest dungeon

    Now, she and her new entourage seek to take advantage of the chaos and disharmony of the world, robbing any and all who cross their path of their Relics.

    is antiquarian good darkest dungeon

    Those times are gone, and with them any bond that was forged between her and her former companions. Once, the antiquarian fought side by side with the heroes in the fight against the darkness not out of honor or selflessness, but for her own personal gain.

    Is antiquarian good darkest dungeon